What the heck does “25-19-11-5” mean?!
You’re going to do
25 reps the first round,
–0 seconds – 1:30 min rest–
19 reps the second round,
–0 seconds – 1 min rest–
11 reps in the third round, and
–0 seconds – 30 sec rest–
5 reps the last round
2) with weight (or water bottle), engage your abs the entire time in order to protect your back!
3) (use a weight if you have one – if not, a full water bottle),
-If you are outside: Find a wall to start at, walk 30 steps away from the wall, and place a marker there. You will run from the wall to the marker and back. Each length counts as 1. You will tap the wall while standing, but you will tap the ground at the marker.
-If you are inside: Find two walls as far apart as you can. Ideally, they will be at least 20 steps away from one other. You will tap each wall. Every other wall tap counts as one! You can increase your reps if you use this shorter distance.
Excuse the echo!
The objective is to go quickly. The faster you go, the faster you’re done!
I recently did this workout. It was killer on the shoulders and triceps– in the best way!! I aimed to start at the advanced level every time I switched exercises to push myself farther than I might have originally thought I could (pushups on my toes, true V-sit during the Russian Twists, and quick Dead Man Burpees with a high jump). I also made sure my sprints were actual SPRINTS! Ramp up your speed so that you are at your fastest at the center of the room/path. Then, slowly decelerate so that you avoid an abrupt stop at the second wall/tree/mark.
I also just ran some clients through this exercise. They were daunted while doing 25 reps of each exercise, and even when starting 19. However, I watched as their minds got stronger and stronger throughout the workout. By the end, they were so excited and felt so accomplished, that they jammed out the last set of 5 as quickly as they could. They raved about the workout! Don’t let the beginning demotivate you. Know that it will only get easier and easier. Soon you’ll be done and you’ll feel amazing!
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