Moms… Father’s Day is coming! What does that mean? Yep! You’re on the hook to help your kiddos do something nice for dad. I’m coming to the rescue with 4 ideas for really simple Father’s Day gifts.
Father’s Day gifts don’t have to be elaborate. If you’re looking to give him something a bit more expensive, that’s great! Maybe think about making that gift from you. For the gifts from kids, it’s always really fun to make it something they can help with.
When the kiddos feel this contribution, they start realizing the joy that comes with giving. What a great value to instill!
Quick transparent tangent: Before you start thinking I’m a genius at creating Father’s Day gifts, let me first admit that most of these ideas came from Pinterest. ?
Ready for some of the easiest Father’s Day Gifts you’ll ever create?
1. Pictures Taken with Cute Signs or Posters
For this one, you’ll need some colorful paper or poster board and a large Sharpie or markers. If you decide to make the flag garland, also grab some string, scissors and tape.
To make the garland, cut out triangles, write different letters on them, and fold the top of the paper over the string. Once you tape it down, it will be good to go! Don’t worry about longevity, but if you feel like it, perhaps hang it up near his bed or in his office for a week or so after Father’s Day.
Once you have your flag garland or posters, set your kids up with a nice background and snap some pictures with your phone or camera.
Print out your pictures at home or from a store and put them in a cute frame.
Tada! Here’s the finished product:
2. Coffee Mug with a Personal Touch (This one brought Daddy to tears!)
This Father’s Day gift is cute and useful!
This Starbucks travel mug is perfect for tucking pictures away in, but look! You can also draw on the inside with a Sharpie marker. Maybe you can do both – stick some pictures in one side or on the bottom and write on the other side or the top.
It’s no secret that handmade cards are an easy way to not only send some love to dad, but also to allow your kids to contribute their personal artistry.
To add a bit more fun (and warm and fuzzy feelings), every year I have my kids mention 5 things they love about their daddy. I don’t prod at all – I write exactly what they say. It’s always really fun for my husband to read.
If your child knows how to write (or can write with help), have fun adding a little note in the inside of the card. These can be super cute!
This one might give you a hand cramp after writing so much, but the effect might be a great one (if your kids’ father likes candy… and a lot of it.)
The best part is that you don’t need any instructions! This one is 100% self-explanatory. ?

What are you doing for Father’s Day this year? I bet you have some simple ideas we all can learn from. Up for sharing?
Interested in more Father’s Day ideas? Search for “Father’s Day” in the right sidebar.
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