Liebster Awards Nominees go to up and coming bloggers with fewer than 200 followers. The origins of this award are unclear and are simply given by fellow award nominees to blogs that inspire them and that they enjoy themselves. “Liebster” means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome in German. Thanks you, Lindsay Gray (of The Leaking Boob), for nominating me for a Liebster Award! Lindsay is criminal defense attorney turned stay-at-home-mom. She’s a wonderful writer and an inspirational mom and cook! I’m humbled that she would choose me as one of her nominees! Definitely check out her keep-no-secrets blog!
When one receives a Liebster Award, you have to give 11 random facts about yourself, answer 11 questions posed by the nominator, nominate 11 other blogs, and pose 11 questions for your nominees. So, here it goes:
11 Random Facts about Myself
1. I have two middle names
2. I was in choirs or singing groups all of my life until I joined the Marine Corps.
3. I spent a night on a dark, open dirt road in Marjah, Afghanistan checking in on my unit’s subordinate Combat Engineer Battalion.
4. I majored in Broadcast News, but only used my skills as a reporter and anchor for the local Malibu, CA news station while in college.
5. I didn’t meet my husband face-to-face until 7 months into our relationship.
6. …That’s because we met on MySpace (old school, I know!)
7. I ran the Marine Corps Marathon upon my return from my deployment in Afghanistan. My time was 4:19.
8. To get ready for the marathon, each week in Afghanistan I would do a long run of 1hr 45 mins to 2-1/2hrs at a time! That was boredom!
9. I’ve known my best friend, Jenn, for 24 years. On the first day of Kindergarten she asked if I wanted to be best friends, and I’ve never gone back on my word.
10. My sister is a mortician. She’s very lovingly taken care of our half-brother, father, dog, and grandmother.
11. I have the best family in the world.
11 Questions by Lindsay
1. Favorite book: I’m not sure what my favorite is, but I enjoyed The Kite Runner
2. Favorite online shopping site: Amazon
3. Happiest childhood memory: camping with my family in the camper attached to my dad’s truck. My sister and I were always convinced we were going to crash into something.
4. Biggest goal on your bucket list: To write a bucket list!
5. One place you’re dying to travel: Germany – I’ve always loved the language.
6. Biggest inspiration: The success of others
7. Favorite season: Summer!
8. Biggest pet peeve: The sound of whispering drives me up the wall!
9. One person you would like to meet: Jesus. I have a lot of questions. 🙂
10. Age when you got your first cell phone: 16?
11. 3 words to describe yourself: Energetic, Happy, Analytical
11 Questions for my Nominees
1. Ages of children (if you have them):
2. Animal you’d most like to ride:
3. One of your greatest accomplishments (other than the birth of your children):
4. Favorite food indulgence:
5. Your go-to relaxation activity:
6. What your agenda would look like if you had a free day by yourself and without responsibilities:
7. What animal you would be if you could be one for a day:
8. Which famous person inspires you most?
9. The sport you are best at:
10. An outdoor activity you love:
11. What your name would be if you had to change it right now:
11 Nominees
Ordinary Trail Runner: A 39-yr-old dad from Ireland who documents his running adventures. He has some pics that just make me want to get out and go!
Some Like It Hot: Em and Cris have a blog for women about everything from media indulgences to fitness challenges.
Hannah Jane Illustration: Hannah blogs about her life as an illustrator, runner, and vegan.
Sugar’s Evil Twin: Laura, a New Yorker writes about her family, her childhood, photography, and posts gluten-free recipes.
The College Kitchen: A college cook — I’ll definitely be trying some of her recipes!
Antics of a Museum Girl: Katherine works at a museum in Toronto. She blogs about work and experimentation with a Paleo-Primal lifestyle.
Bella Fruitella: Isabelle from Amsterdam shares photos that inspire her. Very diverse blog!
The Peppered Porch: Mary posts DiY projects and recipes. Cute blog!
Heart Smart and Pennywise: A blog about diet, recipes, cost of food, and other fun ideas.
One Elephant Please: Musings from a single girl about life as a singleton!
Fitness by Evony: Evony blogs about her work in fitness in hopes of motivating others in their fitness journey.
It’s so nice to learn more about you! Thank you for your service to our country.
Really love the blog!!!!